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Cast bios
Director’s Note

Henry VI Family Tree
Cast Bios
Director’s Note

All’s Well That Ends Well and Julius Caesar
Cast Bios
Director’s Note


Short Summaries of the Summer Shows


TWELFTH NIGHT – Directed by Erin Day

In the land of Illyria, Duke Orsino is in love, dramatically pining for Countess Olivia. But Olivia is uninterested in love or the Duke, focused as she is on mourning the death of her brother.

Enter Viola washed up on shore after the ship carrying her and her twin brother was wrecked in a storm. Believing her brother Sebastian to be lost forever, and finding herself alone in a strange land, Viola disguises herself as a young man named Cesario to get a job with Duke Orsino. The Duke sees something promising in Cesario and sends the young “man” to woo the Lady Olivia on his behalf. (By the way, Viola also sees something in Orsino that strikes a spark in her heart. (Uh-oh…)

When Olivia meets this witty, well-spoken, and above all handsome messenger, she has second thoughts about love—but not about the Duke. It’s Cesario she’s after. Throwing caution to the wind, she sends her servant Malvolio after the youth to deliver a ring Cesario supposedly left behind in the hopes that he will visit her again. (Alack! Viola suspects Olivia may have eyes on her disguise!)

About that Malvolio fellow… He has for years secretly yearned to be with Olivia, which is pure fantasy. But a fantasy Olivia’s kinsman, Toby Belch, along with his friends, gleefully use against him in a cunning prank.

Will any in this love triangle (quadrangle? maybe even quintangle?) find a match? Will Viola’s lost brother be found? Will the story end with a wedding or bloodshed? Will there be pirates? You’ll have to wait and see!


HENRY VI, PARTS 2 & 3 – Directed by Zanne Gerrard

Ambitious Richard, Duke of York, visits his dying uncle, Edmund Mortimer, for a family history lesson. Mortimer claims he’s the rightful heir to King Richard II, who was usurped by Henry Bolingbroke (Henry IV), whose son, Henry V, executed York’s father. Thus York is the true heir to the crown, not Henry VI.

Pious King Henry VI finally meets his queen, Margaret, wooed on his behalf in France by the Duke of Suffolk. The match is barely made, however, when trouble starts. York argues with the Duke of Somerset over lost territories in France. Cardinal Beaufort and the Duke of Gloucester, Henry’s advisors and former protectors, wrangle for power. Gloucester’s wife is convicted of treason for consorting with witches, followed soon by her innocent but doomed husband, thus seemingly clearing the way for the Cardinal.

Rebels rise up in arms at home and abroad. While the Duke of Buckingham and Lord Clifford deal with domestic threats, York seizes the opportunity to raise an army of his own—first to quell Irish rebels, then to assail the King.

York demands the return of the Crown usurped by Henry IV. King Henry agrees under the condition he may reign peacefully until his death when the power will be transferred to York. York at first agrees, but his sons are less patient and urge their father to claim his kingship now.

Queen Margaret, furious with Henry’s weakness, gathers an army of her own. If her husband won’t fight the York boys, she’s ready and willing to do it herself.

There follows one of the bloodiest civil conflicts in England’s history. While things may reach an uneasy peace by the play’s end, the war isn’t over yet…


BACKYARD BARD – Directed by Sarah Stillion

About Backyard Bard
Backyard Bard was born out of a desire to bring Seattle’s Shakespeare in the Park Company shows to smaller, neighborhood parks, and to serve communities that weren’t being reached with our larger shows. Backyard Bard is a fast-paced, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants, abridged introduction to Shakespeare, meant for audiences young and old, and also available for private events! Want to bring Backyard Bard to your party? Contact us!


The determined and clever Helena seeks to win the heart of the reluctant Bertram. With wit and ingenuity, she concocts a plan to cure the King of France, earning his favor and the chance to marry the man she loves. But when Bertram flies from her to join the wars Helena must navigate a host of deceptions and challenges in an effort to win him back. 


In ancient Rome, Julius Caesar, a charismatic and ambitious general, rises to power. However, his growing influence sparks jealousy among his peers, leading to a conspiracy against him. Betrayal, loyalty, and the quest for power collide in a gripping tale of political intrigue, culminating in Caesar’s dramatic assassination and the chaotic aftermath that ensues. 

TWELFTH NIGHT – cast bios

(alphabetical order)

Molly Kaleo Bauckham – (Valentine, Musician)

Molly has been reading and performing Shakespeare since 1988, playing the Celtic harp since 1998, and singing since childhood. Born in California and raised in California and Hawaii, Molly earned her B.A. in Theater Arts from the University of Oregon before moving to Seattle in 2001. This is Molly’s third season with
GreenStage; she played the First Fairy in GreenStage’s 2020/2021 production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and in 2023 played music (and Lady Montague!) in Romeo and Juliet. Her Shakespeare compositions include “Fairy Song” from A Midsummer Night’s Dream, “Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind” from As You Like It, and “Tango de Sonetos”, a tango setting of Sonnets 144/129.

Brandon Brown – (Andrew Aguecheek)

Brandon is thrilled to be doing Shakespeare in the Park again. He last was seen as the Duke in Measure for Measure with The Primrose Players. Other favorite roles include Hamlet, Romeo in Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Starkwedder in The Unexpected Guest, and Mortimer in Arsenic and Old Lace.

Katie Dreesen (she/her) – (Captain, Fabian)

As a lifelong Shakespeare in the Park fan, Katie is absolutely thrilled to be making her GreenStage debut this summer! Since graduating from Western Washington University last June with a BA in Theatre Performance, she has most recently been seen in Colder Than Here with As If Theatre Company and Good Water with
Northwest Original Works. Offstage, Katie can be found slinging espresso shots, embroidering, and spending as much time as possible outside! Thanks Mom and Dad for running lines (and everything else)!!

Tony Driscoll – (Malvolio)

Tony Driscoll (Malvolio) Tony is one of the founders of GreenStage and the chief instigator of their seminotorious Hard Bard series. He recently took a 14 year hiatus from the stage to fail as a father.
He sometimes sings in a band called The Purdins. In his spare time, Tony enjoys making people smile and other people who enjoy making people smile. With his wife Erin Day, he has a son named Emmett, a dog named Tank and a new found hope for tomorrow. We hope you enjoy the show. Love to all

Jasmine Neshama Harrick – (Viola)

Jasmine is ecstatic to return to GreenStage for another summer with this incredibly kind and talented group. You may recognize Jas as the glamorously wigged, bearded, and wise Helicanus in Pericles or as Juliet in Romeo and Juliet. When not on stage, Jas dabbles in the visual arts and enjoys rain, soup, acquiring spoons, and making tiny houses. She thanks her family, awesome sister, and GreenStage company for bringing this whirlwind of a story to life in the great outdoors. Thank you for coming out to see the show!

Marc “Mok” Moser – (Antonio)

Marc is humbled and gently panicky to be joining such a fine ensemble of deeply talented friends for this production. You may have seen him as Orsino in Redwood Theatre’s production of Illyria, as Feste (?) in several GreenStage productions of Backyard Bard’s Twelfth Night, or as Robin Hood in Pradhitwani’s production of Bolly’Hood– Men in Churidaar.

Olivia Ockey Goodwin – (Maria)

Born and raised in Utah, Olivia graduated from Brigham Young University’s BFA acting program in 2021 and shortly after made the move to Seattle. Twelfth Night was her first brush with Shakespeare when she played Olivia in 6th grade. Her second Twelfth Night was as Maria in a western musical adaptation by BYU Young Company. She’s excited for Twelfth Night round three, as well as her second summer with GreenStage. Previously, Olivia played Katherine, Boy, and Bedford in Henry V. Other recent credits include Friends Across the Wires with Seattle Historical Theatre Project and Ruins of Memory: Women’s Voices of the Holocaust with Tales of the Alchemysts Theatre. Olivia thanks her husband Jayden for always encouraging her love of storytelling.

Levi Redmill (he/him)- (Sebastian)

Levi is an actor, director, and emerging intimacy director represented by TC Talent with a BFA from Cornish College of the Arts in Acting/Original Works. Professional credits include Macbeth (Seattle Shakespeare Company education tour), Enough! Plays to End Gun Violence (Seattle Public Theatre), A Pond As Deep As Hell (adaptation of Measure for Measure, Shaxberd) and Mega Hero Rangers Go Go Go Supreme! (14/48: Parks Show). Cornish credits include Gruesome Playground Injuries (Doug), Head Over Heels (Dametas), and Kill Shakespeare (Hamlet).

Sara Schweid – (Countess Olivia)

Sara is thrilled to make her GreenStage debut this summer! She is on the producing team at Blue Hour Theatre Group and recently performed in their world premiere production of The Plague Master General (a bubonic comedy). Other recent credits include Mary Bennet in Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley and Charlotte Corday in The Revolutionists, both at SecondStory Repertory. Favorite roles include Gretchen in Boeing Boeing, Viola in Twelfth Night, Gwendolen in The Importance of Being Earnest, Kate in Legally Blonde, and Peter in Jesus Christ Superstar. Love to Greg!

Sean Patrick Taylor – (Feste)

Sean is happy to return for his sixth show with Greenstage, most recently as Lord Capulet in last summer’s Romeo and Juliet. Other credits include Williams in GreenStage’s Henry V, Amiens in Seattle Shakespeare Company’s As You Like It, and the Host of the Garter in SSC’s Merry Wives. He also appeared as Telegin in Akropolis Performance Lab’s production of Uncle Vanya. A scholar of language and literature, he provided the translations of A Doll’s House and Cyrano de Bergerac for SSC, and teaches medieval and ancient literature at the Creative Retirement Institute, and through UW Extension.

Cameron Widmark – (Duke Orsino)

Cameron is thrilled to be joining GreenStage for their first Shakespeare in the Park Production. They have been a part of the Seattle theatre scene since Graduating from Cornish College of the Arts 2 years ago. Their credits include Sweeney Todd with the 5th Avenue Theatre, Sunset Boulevard with Showtunes Theatre, and Pirates of Penzance with the Seattle G&S Society. In addition to acting, they are an avid writer, game maker, and dungeon master. If you wish to see more of them please follow them on Instagram @Coat_of_Roses.

Daniel Wood – (Sir Toby Belch, Fight Choreographer)

Daniel has been working with GreenStage more or less every summer since 2011. Some of his favorite GreenStage roles include Bottom in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Athos in The Three Musketeers, Don Armado in Love’s Labour’s Lost, and Edgar in King Lear. He also directed Merry Wives of Windsor in 2016. Other favorite roles include the title role in Macbeth (Fern Shakespeare) and Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing (SecondStory Rep). Daniel has also performed with Seattle Shakespeare Company, Book It Repertory, Seattle Public Theater, Sound Theatre Company, Theater Schmeater (RIP), Centerstage, Annex Theater and many, many more.

TWELFTH NIGHT – Director’s Notes

“Nothing that is so is so” – Feste

Twelfth Night or the Feast of Fools was governed by the Lord of Misrule (in Scotland the Abbot of Unreason). A time where social constructs dissolved into a topsy turvy world set on its head. A world of dance, song, drunkenness, masques and revelry. This is Illyria, where you have shipwrecked.

The word ‘Love’ appears in Twelfth Night more than any other of Shakespeare’s plays and ‘Madness’, (or one of its forms – mad, madly etc) appears more often than love. Love and madness are the map of this journey. A journey, I am humbled and grateful to have been allowed to take with this incredible band of madcaps. Their desire and willingness to play and turn the world upside down has inspired me and been food for my spirit.

Welcome to Illyria, I hope you find as much joy here as we have. Heigh Ho!

— Erin Day

HENRY VI, PART 2 & 3 – cast bios

(alphabetical order)

Meredith Armstrong (she/her) – (Buckingham, George – Duke of Clarence)

Meredith previously fought on both sides of the War of the Roses and is happy to do so once again. Favorite past GS roles include Goneril (King Lear), Glendower (Henry IV, Part 1), and Duchess of York (Richard II). Past favorites with other companies include Margrethe Bohr (Copenhagen, SecondStory Rep), Judith (Blood Water Paint, Macha Theatre Works), and Hannah Jarvis (Arcadia, Renton Civic Theatre). She holds a BA in Theatre from WWU and studied with the National Shakespeare Conservatory in New York. When not acting, she trains, performs, and teaches aerial circus and writes multi-genre novels. Love to Erik, Astrid, and Pippin!

Mary Murfin Bayley – (Gloucester, Stafford, Old Clifford, Lady Bono)

Mary has been in all of GreenStage’s Henry series of the past few years and is delighted to find herself back once again in Britain’s historic War of the Roses. She has enjoyed performing with various Seattle companies including Theatre9/12, Taproot, Annex, Seattle Public, Book-It Rep, Seattle Jewish Theatre, and (as an actor) at Seattle Opera. Trained at Reed College and at the HB Studio in NYC, she later studied Commedia dell’Arte at Teatro Cestello in Florence, Italy. She loves playing Shakespeare in the parks and is so glad you here.

Steven Davis – (Suffolk, King Edward)

Steven is so excited to be back for another summer of royal ambition, treachery, and swords in Henry VI. After playing Earl of Suffolk and the French’s Alencon last summer in Henry VI part 1 you could have seen him in Copious Love’s reading of Peggy, Seattle Shakespeare Company’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream or UW Indigenous Studies Savage Conversations. He graduated from Cornish College of the Arts with a BFA in theater and is a proud member of the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho and First Nations Upper Nicola Band. He cannot thank his friends and family enough for their support and would be nowhere without his four legged queen Raven.

Anthony Duckett – (Richard, Hume, Bevis)

Anthony is thrilled to be working with such an amazing cast and positively humbled that GreenStage has allowed him to return for another summer. Last summer he played Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet. Other GS credits include: Arthur in King John, Trinculo in The Tempest, Cornwall in King Lear, Dumain and Nathaniel in Loves Labours Lost, King Louis and Rochfort in The Three Musketeers, Demetrius and Wall in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and the Dauphin Prince Louis in Henry V (both in the parks and over Zoom in 2020.) Hard Bard credits: Anselmus in Cardenio and Ferdinand in The Duchess of Malfi. Anthony is an Equity Member Candidate and graduate of Seattle’s Cornish College of the Arts. In his spare time Anthony enjoys fast cars, loud motorcycles, reading fantasy fiction and playing in the deep woods. Anthony sends his love to his Mom, his Dad and his very hairy children (dogs), Millie, Finn and Bacchus.

Matthew Fisher – (King Henry VI)

Matthew is excited to return to the GreenStage family this summer! Last seen as Pericles, Matthew has been a long time fan of Shakespeare, with his love of theater beginning after seeing a production of The Merry Wives of Windsor. He is thrilled to have the opportunity to introduce Shakespeare to a new crop of audiences and hopes that GreenStage’s message of the necessity of public art rings true to you.

Matthew Gilbert – (York, Smith)

Matthew is so excited to be a part of a wonderful cast and crew! Last year, He played Lord Talbot in GreenStage’s production of Henry VI, part 1 and is honored for the opportunity to continue telling this story with parts 2&3. Matthew would like to thank his friends Jalyn and Kate for their constant support and encouragement through his theater adventures. He would like to dedicate his performance to his six year old nephew George and his niece Mary Alice who will be born in December this year. Thank you and enjoy the show.

Emily Hall – (Young Clifford, Peter, Jourdain)

Emily is excited to be making her GreenStage Shakespeare debut this summer! She was mostly recently seen onstage as Maria in a UW senior’s thesis production of Eldest Daughter Elegy and as a Community Ensemble member in Seattle Rep’s Public Work’s production of The Tempest. She received her BFA in Acting from Regent University where she first studied the art of stage combat. When not performing; Emily enjoys hiking with friends, finding a sunny spot to read a good book, and taking stage combat classes under the mentorship of Geoffrey Alm at Freehold Theatre Lab and Studio. “I am out with lanterns, looking for myself” -Emily Dickinson.

Biz Hillenbrand – (Somerset, Pirate Captain, Prince Edward)

After graduating from the University of North Carolina in 2023, Biz moved to Seattle to stage manage GreenStage’s production of Henry VI, Part 1, directed by Zanne Gerrard. A year later, she decided to step onstage for parts two and three. During her time as a Dramatic Art major at UNC, she held roles in several productions, including Rachel in Kenan Theatre Company’s production of kemps by Emma Horwitz and Cordelia and Fool in King Lear, produced by Forest Theatre Players. Biz is also a trained theatrical intimacy choreographer, and most recently choreographed intimate scenes for Kenan Theatre Company’s production of Spring Awakening, in which she also held a role as an ensemble member.

Freja Jorgensen (she/her) – (Eleanor, Cade, Rutland, Lady Gray / Elizabeth)

Freja recently completed an Acting BFA at BYU, and is happy to be back in her home state to put the things she learned to work. Favorite past roles include Lizzy Bennett in Kate Hamill’s Pride and Prejudice and Casca in Julius Caesar (Brigham Young University), and more recently as Catherine Donohue in These Shining Lives with Woodinville Repertory Theatre. She also has started assistant directing at Glacier Peak High School, including most recently You Can’t Take It With You and Newsies – She loves to watch the kids sharpen their skills and fall in love with theatre, just like she did years ago. She is so excited to be a part of her first GreenStage show!

David S. Klein – (Mortimer, Cardinal, Dick, King Lewis XI)

David’s acting career began in 1969, and has included an appearance on stage at the Woodstock Festival that year, international avant-garde festivals in Baltimore and in Poland, running a touring company for three years based in Vermont, and in his 39 years here, working in all of Seattle’s major theaters and many, many smaller ones. Previous GreenStage shows include: Comedy of Errors in 2017; Henry IV part 2, in 2019; Henry V in 2022 and Henry VI part 1 last summer. He is a company member of both Theatre 9/12 and Tales of the Alchemysts Theatre.

Raya Tuffaha – (Queen Margaret)

Raya Tuffaha is a Palestinian actor, fighter, and writer from Seattle. She’s trained under Philip d’Orléans, Ian Rose, Eli Lynn and Geoff Alm. FD credits include: Les Miserables, Romeo & Juliet, Heathers, Miss Holmes (upcoming, Latitude Theatre). Acting credits include: Eurydice, A View from the Bridge, Hippolytus. Publications: To All the Yellow Flowers (2020), apocalypse blues (2022). Currently coordinating The Seattle Sockeye. BA Swarthmore, British American Drama Academy. “Let it be a tale.”

Carolynne Wilcox (she/they) – (Warwick, Holland)

Carolynne Wilcox is a bilingual, Latine theatre artist whose recent roles include Manuel in Miss You Like Hell at Strawberry Theatre Workshop (2023), Doña Dede in In the Time of The Butterflies at Book-It Rep (2022), & Ana in The Book Club Play at Village Theatre (2022; understudy with performances). As a playwright, they’ve
seen several of their short pieces read and produced this past year. Caro holds an MFA in Theatre/Original Works from Towson University in Maryland.

HENRY VI, Part 2 & 3 – Director’s Notes

What’s in a name? These two plays were only numbered as parts 2 and 3 when pulled together with part 1 into the First Folio published in 1623. Prior to that, part 2 was known as “The First part of the Contention betwixt the two famous Houses of Yorke and Lancaster …”

As I cut these two scripts together to shape a story, what came to me was that this is a becoming story – the becoming of Richard III. Young Richard emerges from the shadow of his ambitious father, Richard, Duke of York. His worldview is shaped by politics, power, violence, death, war, and revenge, compounded through generations going back to Henry Bolingbroke overthrowing Richard II and usurping the throne.

Are people born villains? Or do they have villainy thrust upon them? Was there a moment where they may have made another choice? Or in the echoes of prophesy and curses, are their fates inescapable?

Those are the questions that led me to come back to this York – Lancaster Contention in the hopes of drawing forth these characters not as villains or victors, but as those fighting for what they desperately want and can never have.

In this bloody conflict for the throne, parents and their children vie for their stolen birthright. Betrayal lurks at every turn. Amidst treachery, ambition, and shifting allegiances, the fate of England hangs in the balance, with the crown as the ultimate prize in this brutal game of power.

Whether you cheer for the red rose or the white, or the thousand souls that are sent to death and deadly night, pay heed to the choices made in the face of fate and their consequences.

— Zanne Gerrard

BACKYARD BARD – cast bios

(alphabetical order)

Garth Ball

  • All’s Well That Ends Well –  Bertram, Fool
  • Julius Caesar –  Marc Antony, Soothsayer, Casca

Garth is a theatre artist and educator, and he’s delighted to return to GreenStage this summer! Some favorite past Shakespeare roles include Henry in Henry VI, Part One and Bottom in Midsummer Night’s Dream. He also directs and designs at local schools, universities, and youth theatre organizations. Most of the year, he’s busy teaching and directing the theatre program at Redmond High School. When not in the classroom, onstage, or backstage, he enjoys reading, playing music, riding his bike, and Dungeons & Dragons. Huge thanks to Meredith, Dr. Meyer, Kate, and Rosa for fostering his passion for Shakespeare, and to his students for tolerating his dramatic antics.

Aubrey Sara Kaye

  • All’s Well That Ends Well –  Helena, French Lord
  • Julius Caesar –  Caesar, Portia, Flavius, Decius, Trebonius, Plebian, Lucilius, Titinius, Clitus

Aubrey is excited to return to Backyard Bard for the second time. She is a graduate of PCPA – Pacific Conservatory Theatre and holds a degree in Computer Science from California Lutheran University. In previous seasons with GreenStage, she has appeared as: Ophelia/Gertrude in Hamlet (Backyard Bard), Hermia/ Quince in A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Backyard Bard), Lady Percy/Bardolph in Henry IV: Part 1, Prince Hal in Henry IV: Part 2, Fluellen in Henry V, and Bedford/Somerset/Margaret in Henry VI: Part 1.

Bryce Publow

  • All’s Well That Ends Well –  Parolles, King of France, Widow
  • Julius Caesar – Brutus

Bryce is thrilled to return to GreenStage for another year! His credits include Benedick from Much Ado About Nothing, Benvolio from Romeo and Juliet, Angelo from Measure for Measure, and The Crow Lord, Lord of Crows from the podcast, Save the D8. When he’s not acting, Bryce can be found writing music for his band, AstroZoo (streaming on your favorite music service!), and thinking about the greatest love of his life: cats. He loves being a part of the GreenStage Community and hopes everyone can enjoy this season’s shows.

Ashley Salazar

  • All’s Well That Ends Well – Countess of Rousillion, Diana, French Lord
  • Julius Caesar – Cassius, Calpurnia, Lucius

Ashley Salazar is a Seattle based actor. She is excited to be working with GreenStage again. She has studied Meisner at Freehold Theatre and the William Esper Studio. Her favorite past productions include Welcome to Arroyos at Theatre Schmeater, Native Gardens with Burien Actors Theatre and of course BYB’s Two Gentlemen of Verona. She would like to thank her family and friends for their love and support!

BACKYARD BARD Director’s Note

Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar and an election year in the United States bring up similar questions. Who really is in power? How do they help the people? Are we
too quick to judge each other? Who is represented or underrepresented? Can we effect change without giving in to our bloodthirsty nature? Both Brutus and Caesar want the best for Rome, but neither is settled in his choices. Both feel the weight of what needs to be done. Each man’s wife warns of impending disaster, yet neither man listens. It’s a man’s world, after all: for Brutus and Caesar, the power struggle drowns out women’s voices, warnings from nature, and the voices of the people. Julius Caesar may not be accurate history, but it is thoughtful social commentary about how the lust for power leads to terrible decisions, even in pursuit of lofty goals. We don’t have to look far to find the same dynamics playing out in today’s world.

All’s Well That Ends Well shares some themes with Julius Caesar. It concerns sexual politics rather than affairs of state, but it’s another world where men
hold the power yet get into trouble because they don’t listen to women. The women—an old widow and her servant, the physician’s daughter—are of low
social status. The men—the King of France; Bertram, Count of Roussillon; and the braggart Parolles—are at the center of the power structure. Yet they’re often
frustrated or outwitted by the women or those beneath them in the hierarchy. In the background rages a war that gives the men a purpose, but also serves to keep
the women dependent on them.  I hope that both these plays resonate with you. They have a lot to say about the nature of power and the path to true love. It’s up to us to choose the way of peace, believing we can find a better future while speaking truth to power. It is up to us to choose love and stand up for it.

— Sarah Stillion



Erin Day – (Director – Twelfth Night/ Artistic Director)

After moving from Washington D.C., Erin found a home in GreenStage and finds nothing grander than playing with them and with you. Around town, she has performed at Seattle Public Theater, Theatre Babylon, Seattle Fringe Festival, The Washingtonians! and others. She is currently a member of The Midnite Mystery Players and is honored to serve as Artistic Director for GreenStage. Thanks to her amazing family and especially to you. Enjoy the show!

Zanne Gerrard – (Director – Henry VI, parts 2&3)

Zanne is thrilled to be back directing Henry VI, parts 2&3 after directing last summer’s Henry VI part 1 (also featured as the pivoting percussionist). She has directed for Edmonds Driftwood Players, the Mae West Fest, and erinys Productions in San Francisco. She received a B.A. with honors in Theatre from Wesleyan University and an EMPA from the UW Evans School of Public Policy. Deepest gratitude to Ian, Madeleine, the dedicated GreenStage company, and to all of you who came out to see a play!

Sarah Stillion, MFA – (Director – Backyard Bard / Education Director)

Sarah’s a theatre educator (GreenStage, Youth Theatre NW, Seattle Children’s Theatre), playwright (Hunting Dinosaurs, Seattle Fringe Festival, Christmas Moon, Baylight Dinner Theatre, Quickie, Open Circle Theatre, The Edgar Alan Poe Radio Hour, The Driftwood Players, King Lear’s Swan Song, CalArts), director (Dead Man’s Cell Phone – Act 1 Theatre, Oklahoma! – Woodland Park Players, Much Ado About Nothing, Macbeth – GreenStage ), and actor (1776 – Reboot Theatre Co, My Fair Lady – Woodland Park Players). She’s also a special ed teacher at Roosevelt High School. Thank you GreenStage plus my dear husband and son whom I love more than I can say! “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none”. All’s Well That Ends Well Act 1

Justine Pogue – (Costumer – Twelfth Night)

Justine is a costume designer and wardrobe technician based in Seattle. She is thrilled to work with GreenStage for the first time this year. Recently, she was the Costume Designer for the 2024 production of Cabaret at Bainbridge Performing Arts and the 2023 production of Titanish at Seattle Public Theater. Justine has worked as a dresser for Paramount Theatre, Seattle Repertory Theatre, and Cornish Playhouse among others. As a former vintage and antique clothing dealer, Justine is passionate about bringing historical detail to the stage.

Elizabeth Power – (Costumer – Henry VI, parts 2&3)

Elizabeth is happy to return to GreenStage’s production of Shakespeare’s histories. This is her 11th season with GreenStage! She has been costuming in our community for over 40 years. You can find her work in theatres all over the Seattle area. She enjoys teaching the art of design and sewing skills to kids of all ages. Favorite shows include the History plays, Pericles, and The Tempest. She also loves musical theater and recently costumed Disney’s Newsies. Enjoy the show.

Arietty Power – (Costumer – Backyard Bard)

Arietty is happy to be back working on Backyard Bard. She has been working in theater for 12 years now. Although she can be found onstage, being on the production team is her favorite. Some of her past experience is Director at Valley View Middle School, Vocal Directors assistant at Glacier Peak High School, Actor manager for events, and even being a conductor. She would like to thank the GreenStage team, her mother, and her mentors for helping her become a leader in theatre.

John Williams Lynch – (Fight Choreographer – Henry VI, parts 2&3, Julius Caesar, All’s Well That Ends Well)

John has been a Seattle actor for many years in addition to being an actor/ combatant and Stuntman. He has certified in all 8 weapons with The Society of American Fight Directors. He is an active member of the SAFD since 1997. He has trained with The American Stuntman’s Association in 2002. In addition to training with
The British Academy of Stage and Screen, London in 2008. During the pandemic John continued his training with Freehold theater lab. As well as honing his skills in combat he received training in intimacy choreography. In addition John has taught stage combat for Seattle Children’s Theater acting intensive and for the North shore School district. John has choreographed fights for many local theaters. Those include Driftwood Theater, Burien Actors Theater, Renton civic, Snoqualmie Forest theater, Everett Historic, West of Lennon Theater, GreenStage, Seattle Gilbert and Sullivan, Recycled Shakespeare Theater North Bend Theater and Seattle Musical Theater to name a few. Enjoy the show.

Dan Wood – (Fight Choreographer – Twelfth Night)

See actor bio

Gail Javarah Wamba – (Dance Choreographer – Twelfth Night)

Gail Javarah Wamba is excited to be supporting FREE theater in the parks behind the scenes with dance in 2024. Gail appeared most recently with GreenStage in 2024 as choreographer & Nurse Angelica for Romeo & Juliet. Other recent performances: Puppeteer in Thistle Theatre’s Orihime and Hikoboshi at the Tanabata Star Festival, featured roles in the D&D audio drama A Paladin’s Bargain, Live and virtual comedy with Midnight Mystery Theater; Pendant Audio Shakespeare; and prop design at Centerstage (First Date, Emma, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels & Puss In Boots: A Holiday Panto). Offstage, Gail can be found developing code, hiking, gardening and other things that let one wander into the weeds. Thank YOU for supporting live theater. Love to Josh and all our family.

Ian Gerrard – (Props Designer)

Ian’s theatrical resume is long and varied, and includes acting, producing, sound design, and more. He also likes stuff. He likes searching for stuff and likes finding stuff even better. However, the recipe for a happy marriage does not include bringing stuff home. He is therefore excited to be finding stuff for GreenStage this summer in support of the greater good of entertaining the public. Love to Zanne, Friar, and Liza.

Amy Bogaard – (Stage Manager – Twelfth Night)

Amy Bogaard returns to GreenStage for her second full season. Amy is thrilled to be stage managing Twelfth Night. In her free time, she teaches children how to ride bicycles, and pays way too much attention to passing dogs.

Alexandra Keaney – (Stage Manager – Henry VI, parts 2&3)

Alexandra is delighted to be stage managing Henry VI, parts 2 & 3 this summer. This is her first production with GreenStage with past credits including the Edinburgh Fringe, Warwick Arts Center and the Cardiff Fringe. When not at rehearsal, she loves to wander around local galleries with her partner, then swimming in the Sound.

Natasha Thompson – (Stage Manager – Backyard Bard)

Natasha Thompson is thrilled to be apart of GreenStage’s Backyard Bard productions. Past credits of hers include Stage Management at 12th Ave Arts, Madrona Children’s Theater, and with Driftwood Players. She’s also participated in Driftwood Players production of Spitfire Grill as Effy Krayneck. Special thanks to her family and friends for continuing to support and cheer her on.

Natalie Young – (Production Assistant)

Natalie is ecstatic to return for her third year with GreenStage, and debut the job of Production Assistant! In previous seasons, she stage managed for Backyard Bard. In the fall, Natalie will be joining a Master’s program at Seattle University, where she will study Theatre & Literature Education for High Schools. Many thanks to Natalie’s parents for encouraging her love of theatre, and supporting her as she pursues her passion.

Jean E. Sitte (she/her) – (Seattle Outdoor Theater Festival Manager)

Jean is happy to be on board for her second year coordinating the Seattle Outdoor Theater Festival. She was last seen on stage in GreenStage’s Henry VI, part 1 and has previously performed with Taproot Theatre’s Christmas Improv Touring, Valley Center Stage, Bainbridge Performing Arts, The Fern Shakespeare Company, Edmonds Driftwood Players, and Kitsap Forest Theater, among others. She holds a BA in Theatre from Seattle Pacific University and has studied with Shakespeare & Company in Lenox, MA. Jean enjoys singing with her church’s music team and chasing her toddler. She and her husband Joel are joyfully expecting their second child this fall.