By William Shakespeare
Directed by Amelia Meckler Bowers

Continuing the story line we began last year with Richard II, we look at the reign of King Henry IV. His reign is not going well, with war in Wales and Scotland and friction with the Percy family. In addition, his son and heir, Prince Hal of Wales, bails on his responsibilities at Court to hang out in taverns with a gang of ne’er-do-wells, chief of whom is Sir John Falstaff, a drunkard who, despite his charisma, is a bad influence.
Director Amelia Meckler Bowers loves the intimacy of the play.
“When we think HISTORY PLAY, it often brings to mind some challenging production dense with politic,” Bowers notes. “But this play is about relationships. Fathers and sons. The King who can see nothing but fault in his son and looks to Henry “Hotspur” Percy as an example of his ideal. A son who searches for a father and comes to look to a poor example in Falstaff.”
The spat with the Percys comes to a head in a battle at Shrewsbury, where Hal steps up and takes on Hotspur in a one-on-one battle.
Though victorious at Shrewsbury the war goes on for King Henry, setting the stage for Part 2, which we’ll perform next summer!
Meredith Armstrong: Westmoreland/Glendower
Mary Murfin Bayley: Worcester/Mistress Quickly
Matt Gilworth: Prince Hal
Aubrey Kaye: Lady Percy/Bardolph
Tom Livingston: Hotspur
Caleb Macduff: Earl of Douglas/Gadshill/Edmund Mortimer
Joe Moore: Sir Richard Vernon/ensemble
Graham Pilato: Falstaff/Northumberland
Annie St. John: Poins
Tom Sunderland: King Henry IV
Reid Watson: Sir Walter Blunt/Francis/ensemble
Marissa Wyll: Lady Mortimer/Prince John Lancaster/ensemble
Director: Amelia Meckler Bowers
Stage Manager: Emma Hagerman
Costume Designer: Elizabeth Power
Technical Director/Set Designer: Konstantin Lazarov
Prop Designer: Gail Wamba
Fight Choreographer: John Williams Lynch
House Manager: Natalie Gress
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