Canon Fodder: The Merry Wives of Windsor

With our 2014 production of Othello GreenStage will complete Shakespeare's canon! We're continuing our celebratory look back at every play.

Today's play is The Merry Wives of Windsor, which GreenStage performed in 2003, and again as a Backyard Bard production in 2013.

Ken Holmes directed the 2003 version with Erin Day as Mrs. Page and Don MacEllis as Falstaff. Marc "Mok" Moser directed last year's Backyard Bard show with the cast of Joey Fechtel, Parker Matthews, Mandy Nelson, and Anna Richardson.

That's Nelson and Richardson discovering their identical love letters from Falstaff in the photo above from last year. At right Falstaff tries out his best moves on Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Page in '03.

How many of GreenStage's productions have you seen? Check our complete list of shows since 1989!

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