Canon Fodder: Macbeth

With our 2014 production of Othello GreenStage will complete Shakespeare's canon! We're continuing our celebratory look back at every play.

Today's play is Macbeth, which GreenStage has staged twice: a 2001 production outdoors and a Hard Bard version in 2010. Ken Holmes directed both.

There was some interesting costuming in the 2001 show, which featured denim kilts and armor made from pieces of old tires. In the pic above the witches cook up a little something for Macbeth. The 2010 version was bloody, sure—it was a Hard Bard show, after all—but it also included some lovely song and dance numbers by the Minor Thanes, shown at right serenading Duncan in happier times, before he met the knife.

How many of GreenStage's productions have you seen? Check our complete list of shows since 1989!

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