Canon Fodder: Henry VIII

With our 2014 production of Othello GreenStage will complete Shakespeare's canon! We're celebrating the canon with a look back at every play.

Today's play is Henry VIII, performed by GreenStage in 2012. It was directed by Teresa Thuman and featured Daniel Guttenberg as King Henry, pictured above with Alyssa Kay as Anne Boelyn. The cast also included Michael Blum, Geb Brown, Alysha Curry, Erin Day, Lorrie Fargo, Charles Gift, Daniela Melgar, Luke Sayler, Eli Simons, Corey Spruill, Brendan Toner, and Daniel Wood.

Some scholars believe this was Shakespeare's last play, written around 1612, while others think he had little, if anything, to do with it.

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