Canon Fodder: Comedy of Errors

With our 2014 production of Othello GreenStage will complete Shakespeare's canon! We're celebrating with a look back at every play.

Today's play is The Comedy of Errors, performed by GreenStage in 2009.

COE was directed by Ryan Higgins, and the cast included Patrick Bentley, Michael Blum, Courtney Bohl, Esra Chelen, Sara Coates, Rio Codda, Adria LaMorticella, Don MacEllis, Eli Sklov Simons, and Jessica Stepka. That's Blum, MacElllis, and Coates from the 2009 show in the photo above. GreenStage also produced The Comedy of Errors in 1999, and will perform it for a third time this summer; it will be one of our two touring Backyard Bard shows.

The 1999 production was directed by Tom Smith, and the cast included Jason Marr, Lisa Viertel, Beth Peterson, Stephen Grenley, Linda Lombardi, and Tony Driscoll.

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